Saturday, 26 February 2011

papermaking workshop with children from the Rehoboth School, Stavenisse (workshop papiermaken met kinderen van Rehoboth Basisschool, Stavenisse)

On Thursday we had a group of 22, 8 and 9 year olds, from the Rehoboth Basisschool, Stavenisse.  The theme that the children are working on in school is China, so Francesco began the morning by discussing Chinese art and the importance of symbolism and leaving 'empty' space in oriental art. The children had learnt at school that the art of papermaking was born in China and I could show the group the kind of bark that is used in eastern papermaking.  
The best bit, of course, is the making something part! As a group we decided to make white paper, though I did add some colour so that the different pieces were clear to see in the new sheets.  We started tearing up old watercolour and scrap paper.
Then the new sheets were formed. Everyone made a long quene, and one by one made their own paper.

Then we hung them up to dry...


  1. how cool is that! I've been wanting to make paper for ever... hopefully I will give it a try this spring...

  2. I hope you get the chance :D I'm sure you'll enjoy it!
